June 2021

Greetings All

It’s that time of the year again when club memberships become due. The membership period is August 1, 2021 through July 31, 2022. The membership will be back to $120.00 yearly.

If you are a new member and have paid your membership between May 1 and July 31 of this year your membership is current through July 31, 2022.

Membership renewals will require a completed membership application and liability release, which can be picked up at the club or downloaded from our website at

Membership renewals can be paid with cash or check and either dropped off at the club or mailed to:

Lee County Archers Inc.

P.O. Box 1437

Lehigh Acres, Fl. 33970

As everyone knows, we have a 3D course (GraveYard) that is set out for club members to use at their convenance. The graveyard is made from old 3D animals as they become unusable from our competition animals. We use Rinehart 3D animals because they hold up longer to repeated use but currently it is taking longer to receive them from Rinehart because of the current economic situation and it is costing more for the animals and shipping. We are using our targets longer and fewer are going into the graveyard.

With all this being said, we would like to keep the graveyard maintained for the members to use but the current targets are being shot out and to the point of being unusable. Since the graveyard was first put out it has become a club favorite with the members so the board has discussed it and are willing to replace the used up old targets and replace them with new 3D targets. We can purchase less expensive Mackenzie/Delta 3D or another off brand 3D. They will not hold up as long but they are less expensive to replace.

This last year, with the reduced club memberships, the club account will not allow us to purchase enough targets needed for the graveyard until we get into the upcoming membership year, so the board will gladly welcome any monetary contributions club members would like to make to help the club defray the cost of replacing them.

Any interested members can leave their contributions with Mike Ball or myself at the club.

As everyone has noticed, there has been some construction work taking place at the club. The county has cleared a large area by the workshops, across from the pavilion. The county will be putting a wellhead in the center of the cleared area sometime in the next 90 days. So far it has not impacted us, but that may change when the drill rig gets set up. The county promised me they would not be in our way during this process, but that remains to be seen.

They will also be running 24” water pipe down our road to the wellhead at some point during this project. So far, they have not been to forthcoming with much information regarding that part of the project, but because of the size of the pipe and the equipment required to install it I will suspect at some point we will need to close the range for that part of the project. I will let everyone know if and when that will happen and for how long it will take. Hopefully there will be sufficient advance notice.

It has come to my attention that folks are locking our gate and locking our lock to a chain link instead of locking to the county padlock. By not locking to the county padlock the county gets locked out of the range requiring them to cut our lock. Our locks are about $100.00 apiece. The county needs access to our range for various maintenance reasons so please when locking the gate, lock the club lock to the county lock so they can get into the range without cutting our lock.