Mike’s 3D shoot today 3/10/24 at LCA. The rain stayed away and we shot at a variety of field and 3D targets and also had a nice lunch all for only $5 per person. Linda Noviello nailed her famous Rope Bonus shot. The Shamrock Bonus shot was very tough. No one in our group hit it.


A big Thank you to all who worked hard to setup the range and also those who work behind the scenes to clean, repair and maintain our very large archery club.

Compound Mike Manning 92
Sam Coffin 101
Mike Larowe 102
Jay Harmon 99
Theresa Manz 75
Mike Phillips 102
Preson Moore 127
Daniel A. 76
Traditional Linda N. 91
Chick R. 73
Luis M. 49
Erich F. 99
Beth R. 30
Wayne Carver 97
Vince S. 82
Rick M. 82
Bill Z. 84
Jim W. 54
Ralph G. 83
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