Welcome to Lee County Archers


LCA Range is open to all Members 7 days a week.

The LCA Board of Directors want to extend their heartfelt thanks to all the great members who came out and invested their sweat and hard work getting the range cleaned up and repaired. THANK YOU ALL!

Non-Members can view, experience and join the LCA Range every Thurs and Sat
from 10 am to 2 pm.

For beginners who want to learn the sport of archery please contact
Ben Brown at:  [email protected]  phone: 239-826-2017 or Bob Nichols at phone: 207-632-2322

ALL NON-MEMBERS must enter at the gate, follow road and park near main pavilion. You then must check in with one of our instructors or officers before you can participate in any form of archery.

Children under the age of 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN at all times.  If the parents leave, the children must leave with them.  At no time on the range is the child allowed to go anywhere or do anything without a parent with them.  This applies to members and non members.

NEW – Order your Lee County Archers shirts or vests today.  Download order form or pick one up at the club.

Lee County Archers, Inc. is a not for profit Florida Corporation. As stated in their By-laws, their objectives are: to support the goals and maintain membership in the NFAA and FAA; to conduct archery competitions in accordance with FAA rules; to offer membership to all archers who request it; to offer instruction to all archers who seek it; to provide a social forum and practice site for all members.

LCA leases a large portion of Nalle Grade County Park from the Lee County Parks Department for its home range consisting of a 28 target Field Range, 40 lanes with earthen berms for 3-D shoots, a lighted 20-yard range, and a lighted 30-70-yard sight-in range.

The entire range is “archer friendly.” Very few arrows are lost on the range. Known as one of “The best facilities in the state,” the range is open to the public on Thursdays and Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm. On the first Sunday of the month, there is a target shoot (Usually an American 900), the second Sunday of the month a Fun Shoot and on the third Sunday of the month there is a 3D competition. All are open to the public for a nominal fee.

New members can sign up in person during public hours on Thursdays and Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm.  During that time you can work with instructors, get a tour of the range and be briefed on the safety rules.  Please fill out the online membership form and bring it with a check or cash to the club.  Your membership will be approved at the club by a club officer.

Membership is from August 1 to July 31, and the current annual membership fee is $120.00. Lee County Archers prides itself on being a truly inclusive club made up of active members in all categories of the sport from longbow to compound/freestyle. Members are provided with the combination to entrance locks and can use the range at any time.

There are certified NFAA and NAA instructors in the club, along with many other experts and members in all fields of archery who can assist visitors interested in the growing sport of archery. Beginners, please talk with us before you buy equipment. The most common mistakes we see are incorrect purchases, followed by frustration, disappointment, and eventual lack of interest. Let us help you have fun and enjoy the sport.


When the club is setting up for organized shoots, expect a portion of the lanes to be closed during setup.


LCA on Facebook

Visit our Facebook Page for timely information on upcoming shoots and other important Club info.  Click on the following link to go directly to our facebook page.  www.facebook.com/groups  Send a request to join our private group if you would like to view and/or post on our page.