Membership Signup Forms
Below is a link to a combined online membership registration form and waiver. Both forms must be completed and submitted to the club for processing. New members are required to undergo safety training, a range tour, and an evaluation of their shooting equipment and abilities. If any concerns arise, the club will offer additional training to ensure the individual’s safety on the range. Subsequently, a Lee County Archers member tag will be issued. Every July, membership renewals will be sent for the following year. The annual membership fee is $120, which covers family members under the age of 18.
Additionally, there is a link to a form to join the NFAA (National Field Archers Association.) While not mandatory for LCA club membership, if you intend to compete in state or national shooting events, NFAA membership is a requirement. The NFAA sets standards and guidelines for most archery competitions and provides insurance coverage for our club. Maintaining membership in the NFAA is very beneficial.

Lee County Archers, Inc. Membership Application and Waiver
(Also this is the renewal form)
Membership Application (Fill and Print)
Renewals Only – Mail completed application form (check renewal) with check for $120.00 to Lee County Archers, PO Box 1437, Lehigh Acres, FL 33970.
New members – Bring completed application with check or cash to the club on Thursday’s or Saturday’s from 10am to 2pm. We will do a range safety orientation and familiarize you with the club.
National Field Archery Association (NFAA)
Membership Application