Bill called order at 9:05 am on February 26, 2017

Present: Joe / Heather / Roger / Bill / Dan / Mike / Herb / Michelle

Absent: Ben

Guests: Jim / Lonnie / Dave

Bill requests to table reading of board minutes until next meeting.  Michelle to provide financial report at every board meeting.

Kitchen – running well – stocked and clean.  Michelle to create sign-up sheet for the kitchen duties for all board members for club shoots.

3-D – Mike has continued to bring in money each week with the daily 3-D set ups.  Mike has requested that the club purchase four new 3-D animals totaling $2300.00 and additional inserts totaling $1100.00.  Joe motioned to purchase items for 3-D – Roger second – Passed.

900 – The board has previously voted to charge a $5.00 shoot fee to cover the cost of target inserts and targets.  We will start charging at the next 900 shoot.

Work Parties – We had a very productive work party last month.  All of the foam has been replaced on FITA and Field targets and backstops have been added to targets needed.

Roger requests that the entire range will be closed to shooting every 3rd Saturday while the work party is actively working on the ranges. Joe second – Passed.

Safety – We continue to strive to make the club safe for all members and guests.  There are a few areas we need to address…
– 10 yard range location
– Add a gate to 45 yard fan target
– Block off path from 55 yard target to tree stand.  Re-route path.
– Assigning a safety officer to walk the 3-D range prior to shooting.
– Adding signage to block off areas that are being used for 3-D shoots.
– Come up with ideas to keep the range safe with new members.  Lonnie has suggested a probationary period for new members to ensure the safety of all members.
– Front gate needs to be locked all day for the exception of public shoots and Thursdays from 2-6.

County Update- the county has measured to raise the pavilion floor to help with flooding in raining season.  They also have budgeted to replace the pavilion roof.

Lloyd will get pricing to add gutters to help with dispersing water away from the out buildings and pavilion

ASA – Bill has completed the paperwork necessary to become an ASA membership.  Joe and Heather will be in charge of putting together the plan for grouping of classes and rules and promoting the ASA qualifier shoots.  We will shoot our first ASA shoot on May 21st.

Roger will proceed with pricing the keypad gate for the second gate.

Bill is requiring all board members to participate in club shoots, work parties and kitchen duties.

Handicap issues will be dealt with on a case by case basis.  We will allow the golf cart to be used for transporting anyone who needs aid in getting around the range.

ATV’s are not allowed on the range per the county ordinance.

Roger motions to close meeting.  Heather second. Meeting dismissed at 10:50.