Blue and white league started Tuesday nights at 7pm.   5 arrow ends for a total of 60 arrows.  Best 4 scores of 5 weeks win.  Cost is $20.00 for the 5 weeks.







Trad Archer Jan 10 Jan 23 Jan 30 Feb 06 Feb 13 Best of 4
Chick Richards
Linda N. (1st ) 219  8x 214  4x 219. 4x 229. 4x 881  20x
Erich Fallisch 239 242  1x 🙁
Scott Richards 103 116   3x 96 111. 1x 426
Beth Richards 76. 3x 47.  1x 39 60 222
Comp Sam Coffin (3rd) 275. 16x 270. 24x 279   28x 278  24x DNF 1102  92x
Mike Phillips (1st) 297. 46x 298.  36x 298. 46x 294. 36x 1187. 164x
Mike Manning 276. 9x 282. 24 x 🙁
Taryn Manning 250. 8x 262 11x 260. 8x 🙁
Mike Bille 278. 20x 271.  23x 270. 22x 272.  22x 1091. 87x
Ed Alsope 249.  7x 261. 11 x 255 7x 263. 15x 1028. 39x
John Blaine (2nd) 287 291 298 289 1165