Monthly Newsletter: February 2017
Dear Archers,
The Club has elected its new board and officers for the next two years. The existing officers Ben, Michelle and I have been reelected as officers. Heather, Herb, Roger and Dan have joined the existing board which includes Mike and Joe. The new members will continue to help the club grow and share new ideas. Please give them your input and support.
We continue to sign up new members averaging 3 or 4 a week. We will probably be at 270 by the end of the year. Thursdays are very busy with visitors and new archers wanting instruction. Ben and John really have their hands full at times. We all should help them with the workload.
The retention pond out front appears to be on schedule, starting in December and taking about 6 months for construction. We will have to implement some restrictions on shooting north into the construction zone. I have asked for a meeting with the contractor, as soon as one is selected, to negotiate a safety plan.
I want to point out a few areas that all members must pay very close attention to. With nearly a 100 new members in the club, some who never have been involved in our range and may be first time shooters, we must all work to help them become adjusted to archery and our club. Our rules and regulations are covered in our safety training and walk through but this is the first step. If you see new people offer to shoot with them, this will make them feel welcome and allow them the opportunity to ask questions and see how the range is setup and operated. Also we must continue to stress the correct way to walk the range.
We are enjoying a little more 3D thanks to Mike and the guys keeping the animals out a few more days during the week. An important clarification I would like to make on the weekly 3D. We have 3 separate areas we are shooting. The south east by the front tree stand which is normally used. Occasionally we will extend it to the west fence line which will shut down field targets 25 to 28. The last area we will use on a very limited basis is the north west corner; when this area is used we will shut down field targets 15 to 24. When the north west is used the balance of the range will be kept open. We have new signs on the side of the new pavilion with instructions. The signs give the instruction on the areas closed IE: field targets 25 to 28 closed for 3D, Targets 15 to 24 closed for 3D, Multi range closed or range closed for work party. Please pay special attention to the new signage.
At our Board meeting on the 26th we decided to close the entire range during our 3D setup work party. In the past we have tried to provide partial shooting to accommodate Saturday morning shooters, this has become an issue. This has presented a safety concern with people setting the 3D and club members working on the range and random shooting. The range will be closed from 7:00 am to 1:00. We will reopen as soon as the work party is over.
We have bought ASA inserts for our 3D animals. Our plan is to have a club ASA shoot in May with a few modified rules. The number of shooting classes will be reduced. Joe and Heather will organize the shoot. Long term if the interest is in the club to shoot ASA we will become a NFAA/ASA club. Participation will drive our decision.
Have fun, enjoy the club and be safe.
For the Lee County Board of Directors
Bill Ziegler President