DRAFT – Minutes – Lee County Archers
January 12, 2025
Chick Richards – President
Preston Moore – Vice President
Bill Ziegler – Executive Board Member
Tim Walker – Director
Bob Nichols – Director
Tim Fisher – Director
Ralph Galatz – Director
Directors Not In Attendance
Scott Richards
Jon Coleman
Jerry Bruce
Ben Brown
Members Present
Linda Noviello
Mike Manning
Erich F.
Rich Erschik
Laurie Dougherty
Jim Freem
Preston Moore
Grant Patton
Mike LaRue
Kurtis Galbraith
Mike Phillips
Debbie Phillips
Meeting called to order 12:03
Election of officers – ballots were emailed out. There were originally 3 on the ballot for VP- two have withdrawn prior to the completion of the voting. New “Officers” for 2025-2026 as elected by the members are:
- President – Preston Moore
- VP – Mike Manning
- Sec/Treasurer – Chick
Motion to approve – Rich seconded by Tim Walker
All Approved
President Moore is convening the rest of the meeting
Preston thanks everyone for supporting him as President.
Encourages everyone to help and he will do his best to keep this place as great as it is. He is looking forward to working with the VP and Sec/Treasurer.
Bylaws Change – Bylaw changes were presented as below:
- add – Amended 01/25
- change – Article V – Board of Directors.
- #1 Old wording: These positions have a two-year term and elected from and by the general membership at general election held every two years.
- #1 New wording: These position have a two-year term and “Officers” are elected from and by the general membership at a general election held every two years. The Six Directors At Large are appointed by the “Officers” within 90 days of taking office.
- #2 Old wording: All Officers and Directors will have a two (2) year term, and all positions will be open for contest.
- #2 New wording: All Officers and Directors will have a two (2) year term, and all “Officer” positions will be open for contest and Directors shall be appointed by the “Officers”.
Chick motioned to approve presented changes from change #1 . Preston Seconded
All members present approved.
Director change
Chick motioned to approve presented changes from change #2 – Mike phillips Seconded
All members present approved.
Chick motioned to keep the following 6 directors in place – see list below.
Bob Nichols seconded. All members present approved.
- Tim Walker
- Bob Nichols
- Ben Brown – honorary members
- Ralph Galatz
- Jerry Bruce – continue
- Tim Fisher
Mike Manning introduced himself and shared his experience. He was a VP past member of an archery club in Colorado. Mike was range captain, vice president and president with over 12 years experience. Open to all suggestions for Lee County Archers and looking for volunteers.
Suggestions from the members.
- Have a schedule of board meetings – quarterly at a minimum
- Offering anyone to request a board meeting at anytime
- Suggest to publish the agenda in advance of a meeting and follow Robert’s Rules
Preston – asked for other business.
Minutes from the last meeting will be brought to the next meeting for approval.
Request for a treasurers report – Erich has the shoots only.
Financial Report
Chick reported – Balance in checking of $24,000 plus the $10,000 money market. Chick received a suggestion for a quarterly report of the club’s finances by Bill Zeigler.
Preston – will schedule quarterly meetings – new members, financial, shoot, maintenance, safety, etc. reports.
3D shoot next weekend – Chick is checking with Oliver on the shoot for the 18th – 19th of January.
Requested that Preston release a list of who is in charge of what such as Tim as part of the relationships with state and national, and Jim as target guy, Membership, Social Media, instruction – Bob, safety, etc.
Friday Feb 28th, March 1 and 2nd for the FAA Indoor is scheduled. (20 yard outdoor/indoor)
Request that people email or contact Preston to volunteer as a non board member some of the tasks that need to be done.
Chick Richards. Update – Project 2020 is fencing in the park near the road and will be putting a timelock. We requested 4am to 10pm but that was not acceptable. This will prevent the 4 wheelers. They agreed 6:30 am to 8:00 pm at night. After are in you can get out, you just can’t get back in. Chick is getting 4 remotes for the “Officers” to have and leave one in the office. No keypad. They will be fencing the entire area in.
Mike Manning. Work parties pulling the targets in the back foward on the 20 yard line. We will angle the lights to shine on the target face. Change out the target butts on the 10 yard line. The first impression of the 10 and 20 yard should look good as its the first impression of the public. We need to number the 20 yard range and to add the 5 ft waiting line, dead arrow line to get the NFAA indoor range certification.
We additionally want to work on the drainage on the 20 yard for during the rains.
Requested Laurie D to complete the following:
- Update the website with the new officers
- Provide new list to Chick Richards of Officers and Directors
- Post the minutes to the website
- Send out email(s) regarding the upcoming shoots
- Create a calendar on the website by month.
Linda motioned to adjourn – seconded Chick
All approved 12:56 pm